Carlota Perez remains optimistic, but denies the 6th wave

Carlota Perez remains optimistic, but denies the 6th wave

Everyone who has passed through the Sustainable Development module since 2011 has been required to engage with the work of Venezuelan economist Carlota Perez on long-waves of techno-industrial expansion and decline. Perez’s work influenced the understanding of...
Greening African Economies

Greening African Economies

The September 2014 Heinrich Boll Foundation publication Perspectives was devoted to the theme of greening African economies in the context of climate change. The first contribution by Mark Swilling was based on his talk at the African Union Summit of Ministers of...
Students Assess Nepal

Students Assess Nepal

Convetional western growth models will not work In 2014 a group of PGD students travelled to Nepal to attend a course delivered as part of the SI Explorers programme. They travelled through cities and rural areas in order to assess what kinds of development strategies...
Carlota Perez remains optimistic, but denies the 6th wave

What real research should be….

“………….do not monopolise your knowledge nor impose arrogantly your techniques, but respect and combine your skills with the knowledge of the researched and grassroots communities, taking them as full partners and co-researchers. Do not...
Macro-Economic Training at Stellenbosch

Macro-Economic Training at Stellenbosch

During the period 10 November – 19 December, a Training Course in Macroeconomic Sector Analyses and Systems Dynamics was convened by the Quantum Global Research Lab working in partnership the School of Public Leadership and the Sustainability Institute,...