Knowledge Hub for Organic Agriculture

​The Knowledge Hub for Organic Agriculture (KHSA) aims to scale up adoption of organic farming practices in the Southern African region over a four-year period. We provide support for project implementation in the region. KHSA is part of the Knowledge Centre for...

Training of Teams of Trainers (ToToT)

IFOAM-Organics International’s Train a Teams of Trainers (ToToT) in Southern Africa aims to further the objective of enhancing knowledge and skills of selected Master Trainers who will train Rural Service Provides (RSPs) and change agents in strengthening...
Knowledge Hub for Organic Agriculture in Southern Africa_KHSA

Knowledge Hub for Organic Agriculture in Southern Africa_KHSA

The Knowledge Hub for Organic Agriculture in Southern Africa (KHSA) is part of the Knowledge Centre for Organic Agriculture in Africa (KCOA), a collaborative country-led partnership funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)...
Knowledge Hub for Organic Agriculture in Southern Africa_KHSA

Smallholder farmers and organic agriculture in South Africa

The SI was asked to provide a desktop review on the status of smallholder farmers within the organic sector in South Africa. This consisted of sourcing, analysing and reviewing existing academic and grey literature on the organic sector in South Africa, as well as the...