Harmony with Nature: virtual training for Toyota employees

Harmony with Nature: virtual training for Toyota employees

In alignment with Toyota Motor Corporation’s (TMC) global directives and environmental programme, Toyota South Africa is dedicated to executing activities aimed at addressing the Global Challenge 2050. As part of this commitment, Toyota South Africa partnered with the...
Harmony with Nature: virtual training for Toyota employees

Singita Sustainability Roadmap

Singita has a strong reputation as a conservation leader in the luxury tourism sector, articulated through their commitment to environmentally conscious hospitality, sustainable conservation and the empowerment of local communities. With the escalating global and...

Environmental Management Training

The SI developed and implemented virtual training for 975 Toyota staff to bring about deeper understanding of the global environmental issues, impact on business and the actions required to effect positive change. The training was aimed at middle and senior...
Harmony with Nature: virtual training for Toyota employees

Research study to eliminate plastic bags at the V&A Waterfront

The Sustainability Institute undertook a series of investigations for the V&A Waterfront that would inform a strategy for eliminating plastic shopping bags from the retail precinct. Each year, somewhere between 500 billion and a trillion plastic bags are consumed...