Carbon and Water Footprint Guide

Carbon and Water Footprint Guide

Increased pressure on all organisations demands intentional strategies to act on climate change and other environmental issues. In terms of the latter, in the South African context, the impact on water resources is a crucial aspect of sustainability reporting. There...
Carbon and Water Footprint Guide

Oil shock mitigation strategies for developing countries

This report analysed the key socioeconomic vulnerabilities to and likely impact of oil price and supply shocks on developing countries, and recommended a broad set of mitigation strategies and policies for ameliorating these impacts. The areas covered included the...
Carbon and Water Footprint Guide

Spatial Development Framework for Stellenbosch

Following on from a project we undertook in 2012 to summarise the SDF for Stellenbosch Municipality, we were approached to develop a new SDF focused on the town of Stellenbosch in an innovative manner that would embed sustainability into the town’s future plans. In...