The Knowledge Hub for Organic Agriculture (KHSA) aims to scale up adoption of organic farming practices in the Southern African region over a four-year period. We provide support for project implementation in the region.
KHSA is part of the Knowledge Centre for Organic Agriculture in Africa (KCOA) project. The KCOA project is a collaborative country-led partnership funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and non-governmental organisations.
KHSA focuses project activities in Zambia, led by Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM) Zambia; in Namibia, led by the Namibia Nature Foundation in collaboration with the Namibian Organic Association; and in South Africa, led by the South African Organic Sector Organisation. GIZ is also implementing this project in north, east, west and central Africa.
Since 2020, KHSA has:
- Held stakeholder meetings in Namibia and Zambia to grow momentum for the organic sector, map relevant stakeholders and identify gaps in knowledge that the KHSA could help fill.
- Supported Participatory Guarantee System South Africa’s (PGS SA’s) Pollinator Programme that is training 20 people across the country to set up and administer second-party assurance systems for organic production.
- Facilitated training of lead farmers/multipliers in South Africa and Namibia through workshops.
- Provided support to the Zambia Traditional Seed and Food Festival, an annual event that celebrates the contributions that smallholder farmers make to food security and climate change adaptation.
- Produced factsheets on organic agriculture, including for the Namibian meat sector.
- Hosted IFOAM Organics International training sessions on ecological organic agriculture to prepare trainers of teams of trainers to scale their impact in the region.
KHSA is now in the process of collating and distributing knowledge relevant to organic agriculture in southern Africa. Examples of this work are below. For more information about KHSA email the Project Director on
- KHSA factsheet: Namibian meat
- KHSA z-fold brochure
- Participatory Guarantee Systems poster
- Participatory Guarantee Systems poster: How it works
Sustainable Food Systems