Workshop on ‘semi-centralised’ water and sanitation alternatives

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On 10 August 2012, Dr. Kalanithy Vairavamoorthy, Executive Director of the Patel School of Global Sustainability at the University of Florida, led a workshop at the Sustainability Institute on semi-centralised water and sanitation alternatives. Funded by the National Research Foundation, the workshop will be attended by 45 people from local government, NGOs, the private sector and the Universities.

Dr. Vairavamoorthy is an internationally-recognized expert on urban water issues who has worked to create clean and sustainable water and sanitation systems through programs for UNESCO and the European Union. He currently directs the University of South Florida, Patel School of Global Sustainability. In his career, Dr. Vairavamoorthy has led groups of researchers studying the future of sustainable water systems for cities and how urban areas might respond to water issues in the face of climate change and population growth. His current research is in: development of new techniques for the flexible design of urban water supply systems operating under uncertainties associated with global change; application of optimization techniques for the operation & maintenance and life-cycle management of urban water systems; and, development of risk assessment approach for the design of sustainable urban water systems operating in the ‘city of the future’.