We are all very excited about having Ruenda Odendaal join the team! She will be taking the position of Sustainable Stellenbosch project manager and SI Network Coordinator on a part time basis from 01 June 2010. For the Stellenbosch projects, she will be responsible for project managing the compilation of the Sustainable Stellenbosch by 2030 publication of the Sustainable Stellenbosch programme (a joint University – Municipality initiative in partnership with the Sustainability Institute). This promises to be an interesting journey in uncovering the Stellenbosch stories and opportunities. The funding to cover her salary will be drawn from the remaining Sustainable Stellenbosch budget at the University.
In addition to this, she will be coordinating key partnerships, networks and initiatives (listed below), including the setting up of new systems and implementation thereof with the assistance of Phethang (who she will be mentoring into the role) and Jess. Ruenda is currently a presenter on our local MfM Radio Station as well as their Community Coordinator. She has worked with the Sustainability Institute on the Red Goes Green waste awareness campaigns she coordinated in 2009. She holds an MSc in Biochemistry and will be attending some of the B/MPhil modules and other courses when available.
Key Projects
Networks: managing local and international networks, partnerships and general enquiries
Tours: establishing a system for handling tours of the ecovillage; setting up a small resource library for visitors with flyers and papers, short dvds to watch, presentations for staff and contact information for nearby projects of interest.
Interns: keeping track of progress of Internship Programme (run by Chiedza this year: 01 Augusts – 13 September), assisting where needed and giving suggestions for improvements.
Volunteers: establishing a system for maximising interest from the public to volunteer at Lynedoch.
Alumni: working with Elize on the Alumni Network & Database – maintaining Alumni newsletter; hosting some Alumni seminars etc.
Soil, Soul & Society Seminars: restarting the evening sessions of guest lectures at the SI
Executive Courses: advertising for and attracting more executive students to attend B/MPhil modules. Setting up a mailing list for all SI friends and alumni to know about upcoming courses.
Short Courses: setting up and running new short courses, e.g., organic home gardening, vegetarian cooking, sustainability 101 etc. Assisting with young women’s retreat programme.
Outdoor classrooms: setting up Eric’s farm as a training facility for local farmers and interested persons.
Project management: designing and running training seminars on request (such as for Spier, Khomani San etc); providing general consultation, research or teaching assistance to projects.