Now that all 12 modules of the Masters Programme have been delivered for 2004, it is possible to sit back and reflect. In general, student feedback remains extremely positive. One of the significant aspects of 2004 is the number of international experts who taught on the various modules. Professor Manfred Max-Neef taught the Globalisation, Governance and Civil Society module this year. Due to the fact that he is based in Chile and his academic and development work has been based in Latin America, he introduced a perspective that was new to most participants. Dr. Tarak Kate from India came once again to teach the Biodiversity and Sustainable Agriculture module. He, together with Ian MacDonald, made this a significant module. Both were appointed by the University of Stellenbosch as Extra-Ordrinary Professors. In addition, Professor Malcolm MacIntosh from the UK came once again to co-teach the Corporate Citizenship Module – the other co-teacher was Johannesburg-based Dr. Ralph Hamman who recently completed his PhD on Anglo Platinum’s sustainability agenda. Malcolm has also been appointed as an Extra-Ordinary Professor. The Ecological Design module was taught by Dr. Daniel Irurah who is a Kenyan architect employed by the University of the Witwatersrand. His module was probably one of the most successful of the year.