Starting the year with a bang

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A week in the life of the SI

Gyro Valentine, the SI’s events coordinator, sent an email to all staff last week that provides an insight into a week in the life of the SI. This included the Sustainable Development module, a joint CSIR/Stockholm Resilience Centre workshop, a visit from a British Community School, and the launch of our Transdisciplinary Research programme.


43 Students: Sustainable Development module 1 ( STARTING WITH CW ON TUESDAY) Mon- Sat: RENEWABLE ENERGY CLASSROOM [CW refers to ‘community work’ which the students do each day.]

35 Guests: CSIR/Stockholm Resilience centre: Wednesday, Thursday & Friday: MAIN CLASSROOM. [This is a group of eminent South African and Swedish scientists working on biodiversity issues. They were taken on a tour of the Lynedoch EcoVillage on their first day.]

14 guests from England: the Queens Park  Community School: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday: Will be having a braai on Sunday when they arrive. For the 2 days that they are with us, they will participate in a programme with the youth. Staying over at the Guest House.

30 guests: Transdisciplinary Summer school: a group of students that will be attending classes for the week of the 13 – 17 February. MAIN CLASSROOM. [This is actually a group of about twelve senior academics from our partner Universities in Ghana, Tanzania, Nigeria, Kenya and Ethiopia; about 15 potential Phd candidates; plus academic staff from Stellenbosch University. Colleagues from the Athena Institute at the Free University in Amsterday and ETH in Zurich will be co-teaching this programme with ourselves. About 40 are expected to attend.]