Soil, Soul and Society

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The Soil, Soul and Society series will be running for the duration of 2008 and it is the intention to present a seminar at the Sustainability Institute on the last Thursday of every month.  We have the following exciting events coming up over the next few weeks:

30 May, 14h00-15h30: Marjan van den Belt – Mediated Modelling – a system dynamics approach to environmental consensus building
Mediated modelling expert in the field of ecological economics – Charlotte USA

4 June, 16h00-17h30: Paul Cilliers – Complexity as a Critical Philosophy
Internationally renowned expert in Complexity Theory. Professor of Philosophy, Stellenbosch. Visiting Professor Universiteit voor Humanistiek, Utrecht. First social science recipient of the coveted Harry Oppenheimer research prize.

10 June, 16h00-17h30: Jan Visser – Rethinking human learning with sustainability in mind: Building the scientific mind – a case in point
Theoretical physicist and cognitive scientist. President and Senior Researcher at the Learning Development Institute, Jupiter, Florida, USA & Eyragues, France.

All the seminars will be hosted by the Sustainability Institute.  For more information, please contact June Stone .