SI Report for UNEP on Cities Launched in Rio

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Sustainable, Resource-Efficient Cities – Making It Happen!A report co-authored by Dr. Camaren Peter and Prof Mark Swilling entitled Sustainabe, Resource Efficient Cities – Making It Happen! was launched at the Rio + 20 Conference that took place in June 2012. Click HERE to download a copy.

This report drew on an expanding body of research building up within the Sustainability Institute that is exploring the linkage between resource flows through cities and the way urban infrastructures are configured. The underlying assumption is that more sustainable flows will only be possible if the urban infrastructures are reconfigured. However, urban infrastructures are complex socio-technical systems that have been built up over many decades. Changing them is not an easy task.  For a talk by Dr. Camaren Peter based on the research done for this report clikc HERE.