Stakeholder comment has been requested by The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) on the latest Feed-In Tariff (FIT) Guidelines and financial models.
The Sustainability Institute and the Centre for Sustainable and Renewable Energy Studies
support the work being done by NERSA towards a FIT and believe that a FIT is a key element required to stimulate a vibrant renewable energy industry in South Africa. However we are concerned that the proposed FIT and associated guidelines will not provide this impetus required to start this market and achieve the goal.
The document below has been prepared in order to highlight some of the concerns of Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies (CRSES) and the Sustainability Institute (SI) over the latest draft Feed‐In Tariffs.
As per the request for comment, this document addresses the following three areas:
1) Renewable Energy Feed – In Tariff;
2) Adequacy of the assumptions used in the pricing model;
3) Other comments or proposals to the National Energy Regulator related to the Renewable Energy Feed – in Tariff guidelines.