Ode to a Wilderness

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It takes so much effort to make the break and so much time to prepare for it all, but once done then all else appears to be so insignificant. Retreating into a wilderness is a theme that seems to pervade so many cultures and has persisted across the millenia. So this is what we have done for the month starting 15 June. Never done this before. We are at the Leshiba Wilderness on top of the Soutpansberg Mountains, just south of the Limpopo River. A truly extra-ordinary space built up over the years by the Rosmarin family.

Part of the Vhembe Biosphere Reserve, Leshiba brings so much together – endless walks through the bush with the animals, mountain views that elevate the soul, scents that only the bush can provide, floating away in an ever-deepening stillness and crystal clear night skies unpolluted by electric light where we can see scorpio, centaur, saturn and the southern cross.  And best of all – a time to read, to think, to read and just to breathe. So much creativity lies buried below our freneticism. Times like these liberate so much potential. To heal the future, so many more will need to find a wildnerness.