The Lynedoch EcoVillage development is all set to go. The various Government Departments in all three (actually four) levels of Government have all approved the various technical aspects of the development. The Development Bank of Southern Africa (a government-owned development finance institution) has agreed to lend Lynedoch Development R3 million to pay for the infrastructure for Phase 1. Phase 1 will consist of 42 houses which cater for the full spectrum of housing needs, from poor farm workers who qualify for a government subsidy, through to lower middle class owners such as the Principal of the Lynedoch Primary School, and some more well off individuals. There are more than enough buyers for all the stands, and this was achieved without spending a cent on marketing materials. It is clear that there will be a diverse group of home owners who will live in one of South Africa’s first socially mixed ecologically designed mixed use developments.
* Situated in Winelands, 10 minute drive from Stellenbosch and 40 minute
drive from Central Cape Town.
* Located along important regional route, linking N2 highway with
* Within 20 minute drive from Cape Town International Airport.
* Adjacent to commuter train line linking Stellenbosch to Cape Town.
* Adjacent land uses: vineyards, strawberry farm, farm stall and filling
* First ecologically designed socially mixed community in South Africa .
* Development is managed by non-profit company – Lynedoch Development.
* Vision & Mission:
– promotes sustainable lifestyle;
– honours inherent dignity and worth of all life and of all people;
– seeks to achieve social justice with respect to equitable access
across diverse affordability levels;
– provides opportunity to participate in democratic structures and
– promotes energy efficient and ecologically sound use of resources;
– creates learning center that serves as a demonstration of its vision.
* Local Government IDP: identified as a ‘hamlet’
* Key features:
– primary school (children from farm worker families);
– pre-school;
– multi-purpose hall;
– offices and classrooms for Sustainability Institute;
– guest house;
– commercial space for offices or small manufacturers and crafters;
– village green and landscaped area laid out in accordance with
permaculture principles;
– limited traffice and secure environment for children and pedestrians;
– Phase 1 Housing: 42 plots.
* Dual water supply:
– Potable water to be supplied from main water line.
– Recycled water to be used for irrigation, flushing etc.
* Fire water will be pumped from existing dam into dedicated pipe line.
* All plumbing fittings to be water saving.
* Low and/or dual toilet cisterns and shower heads as water saving measures.
* Stormwater run-off conveyed in open channels.
* Open channels to complement natural character of the development.
* Village stormwater to drain into Eerste River or can be diverted into on-
site dam, if required.
* Stormwater run-off to be minimized by restricting hard landscaping, thereby
increasing percolation into the ground.
* Rainwater harvesting optional for each household
* On-site sewerage treatment via a system that includes septic tanks, B
Biolytic Filter, a Vertically Constructed Wetland plus two dams
* Biolytix technology and the Vertically Constructed Wetland allows rapid,
odour-free environmentally appropriate filtration without the use of
* This filtrate can be recycled for irrigation etc. (see attached flow
* Primary sewerage treatment through septic tanks.
* Secondary treatment via existing Biolytix water treatment plant and
constructed wetland.
* All nutrients are retained by the Biolytic Filter due to aerobic nature of
system, making it ideal for re-use in irrigation systems
* Nutrient removal takes place via the Vertically Constructed Wetland and the
dams which makes it possible to re-use the effluent for flushing,
irrigation and clothes washing in the houses
* No water will leave the boundary of the site where practically possible.
* Electricity reticulated for each house (ESKOM).
* Water heating to be via solar panels.
* Cooking to be by LP gas hob.
* Space heating via sunlight and good insulation.
* Low energy lighting (street and domestic) is specified.
* Ideal site for a mix of solar, wind, and hyrdo, with a hydrogen
storage and generation capacity
* Not part of municipal refuse collection – entirely managed by HOA.
* All members required to separate their refuse into five separate
* HOA responsible for collection of separated refuse and selling to
* Composting depot to be established that will be used to process
organic waste for the benefit of the EcoVillage
* Internal roads shall have gravel wearing course surfaces.
* No kerbs – to complement the natural character of the development.
* Five housing types which will range from single residential dwellings
to semi-detached houses and terrace housing.
* Housing prices range from R60 000 to about R400 000.
* Technology used in construction of houses to be ecologically
sustainable and energy efficient, eg.Hydraform unfired clay bricks,
made on site, to be used for building.
* Phase 1 to consist of 42 dwelling units, of which 14 are subsidized
* Own designs permissible according to Architectural Guidelines
* Governed by Home Owners Association (HOA) which is a Section 21
company constituted as a separate entity from the Lynedoch Development
* HOA Constitution consists of Memo and Articles of Assoc., Code of
Conduct and Architectural Guidelines.
* HOA to be responsible for general management and administration,
including maintenance of buildings, services and amenities.
* Each property owner will be a member of HOA and pay levies to HOA for
sewerage, water and refuse removal.
* Local Authority’s only involvement = potable water.
* Grant funding for one third of the initial land purchase, plus for
design work and certain experimental systems obtained from USAID,
DANIDA, IFC, Spier Holdings (Pty) Ltd, Hollard Insurance
* Bond finance: BOE
* Debt finance for Phase 1 infrastructure (42 sites): Development Bank
of Southern Africa
* Zero interest loan for construction of the Main Building: Spier
Holdings (Pty) Ltd
* Cost of Phase 1 infrastructure plus debt retirement including
interest: R4,5 million.
* Sales revenue from Phase 1: R4,5 million
* Operating profits (if any) are re-invested because as a Section 21
Company, no returns for shareholders possible
* Phase 2 conditional on funding being secured to upgrade the