Congratulations Lynedoch Primary Athletes!

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These athletes from Lynedoch Primary excelled at the Stellenbosch Athletics Champs held recently in Stellenbosch.

Pictured with their coach, mr. T.I. Williams are:Left to right: back row: Mervin Martins,Henley Solomons (gold) boys u/11 100m;3rd row: Frans Niemand (gold) boys u/13 1500m;Jason Lackay (bronze) boys u/11 1200m; Joshua Stigland;Henrico Pietersen (bronze) boys u/12 1200m;Justin Lackay (silver) boys u/11 1200m;Jessica Layman(gold) girls u/11 80m,(gold) girls u/11 100m;2nd row:Luciano Macondi; Bronwyn Brown; Georgia Swartz;Nadine Julies; Jenica Swartz; Nielen Laban;front row: Phetho Nkopane;Chantell Metsimi;Geraldine Esau(bronze) girls u/7 60m;Ruben Johannes(silver) boys u/10 1200m; Elana Ceaser(bronze) girls u/13 800m, (silver) girls u/13 1500m.Also the girls u/10 and boys u/11 won gold in their relays with boys u/13 winning bronze.