It is hard to believe that it is already time to call for applications for our 2011 intake. This will be the 9th intake into our Masters Programme. This week the MPhil students started to submit the first completed drafts of their theses to their supervisors thus starting the long process of feedback, revision, then evaluation by internal and external examiners starting in November, followed by more revision and then resubmission, leading eventually to graduation in March 2011. Those currently completing their BPhil degrees will be submitting their research proposals in November as part of their application for entry into the MPhil degree in 2011. During October and November all the applications for entry into the BPhil degree in 2011 will be evaluated and some will be interviewed. Unfortunately, not all can be accepted because the number of applicants will exceed the number of places available on the programme. The early applicants will be given preference. All those accepted will be expected to arrive for registration on 25 January 2011 which is the first day of the Orientation/Induction Week. Click here for the 2011 Prospectus and go to the Course Administration folder in the News & Documents drop-down menu for the application documents.