American student goes home to a new career in the US

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Asa Foss, and American student who completed his course work in 2004 wrote the following email to describe the job he got after going home to the US:

“Since returning to the States, I have finally settled down. It took 3 moves, finding a job and establishing myself, but I can now say I am in a stable position, and I can start taking action on my thesis (which has never left my mind).

This is what I am doing: I am working for the Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing (PATH), a public-private partership that seeks to make America’s housing more affordable, durable, energy-efficient, and environmentally friendly. My position is the technical communicator (I’m the green-building specialist in the office), where on top of growing the program, I write articles on new buiding technologies/techniques and demonstration homes for various trade and consumer magazines from Professional Builder to Better Homes and Gardens. On the side, I am also giving discussions/presentations on sustainable development, green building, and complexity theory for groups both at work and outside.”